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tv   9 News Now at 5am  CBS  March 22, 2011 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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hollywood. good morning and thank you for watching 9news now at 5:00 a.m. i'm andrea roane. >> i'm mike hydeck. we're glad you're here. we're glad howard's here. traffic in a moment. weather first time, mr. bernstein, welcome my friend. >> we've got a fine morning out there. temperatures in the 40s and 50s. even a couple spots in the low 60s west and southwest of washington. today will be a good day. rain is on the way for tomorrow. looking at the day planner, sunshine. temperatures climbing through the 50s here midday. upper 50s to around 60 as we head through the afternoon with sunshine giving way to few more clouds later on. i think we may have a few more clouds than i'm showing here. the high temperatures, low 60s in town to even some mid-60s south and southwest. front came through. showers and even a couple of thunderstorms well off to our south and west this morning. with this boundary staying there, don't expect it to come back. i think we'll have a dry day. tonight will change. you can see the difference where it is clear and cold. new york is 33 but 60 in
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fredericksburg. airport in tappahannock is 61. oakland is 39. locally, we're ranging from 49 in columbia to 57 in springfield and centreville and great falls at 52 over at andrews. 55 at leesburg. 55 in college park. here's angie to tell you what to expect on the morning commute. >> good tuesday morning, everybody. green is the color to kick off our traffic morning. right now, all over, it appears drivers are moving at speed. we zoom on into the outer loop and move it outside. open up the door and show you the live conditions. everyone moving at speed here from 95 over to 270, inner loop doing ok as well. also, we move it back to the maps. we want to see what's going on on 270. outside, we're tracking a little bit of a slow go out of urbana through route 80. next, your travel times. good morning 66 drivers heading eastbound. only 11 minutes the beltway. the inner loop in virginia doing just fine. as is the dulles toll road. still ahead, a look at the gw
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parkway. >> thank you, angie. >> right now, the hunt is on for the gunman who fatally shot a man while people watched in horror. >> residents in maryland are particularly concerned because this is the second suspicious death just in the last few days in that area. kristin fisher is live with more on the amount of work police have ahead of them. kristin, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. you know the fact that, as you said, this could be the second homicide possibly in less than a week, certainly at least one homicide here in olney. keep in mind, this is a very -- relatively quiet town and the fact that this has happened certainly has the people who live here on edge. this latest incident happened yesterday afternoon right around 4:45. and it happened in broad daylight clearly. 41-year-old gadara was walking home from work when he was gunned down in a drive-by shooting.
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neighbors report hearing four shots fired before finding gadara lying unresponsive in the street. he was later pronounced dead at the hospital. montgomery county police don't have a motive for the shooting. nor do they have a description of the suspect. but they do have a description of the get away car thanks to some surveillance footage from a nearby business. >> we also have the report of a vehicle, a late model beige toyota camry with maryland plates was seen leaving high street going in the direction of georgia avenue. >> reporter: now, the victim, gadara was relatively new to the area. he moved here six months ago from sri lanka. if you ask pretty much anyone around here, neighbors, his relatives and police, all of them say that as of now, they have no idea why anyone would want to kill him. back to you. >> kristin, as we had mentioned at the top of your live shot, montgomery county police are investigating a suspicious death from friday there in olney. are there any chance that it is
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connected possibly? >> reporter: right now, montgomery county police say no. what we're talking about is an 81-year-old man found dead on friday in his home here in olney. now, a montgomery county police have ruled that a suspicious death. they do think that foul play could be some sort of possibility in that case but as of now, they do not believe these two deaths are connected. but you know, any time that you have any sort of suspicious death like this in this area, it certainly raises red flags for residents and for police. they're certainly very concerned about this in montgomery county police say they're doing everything that they possibly can to bring the suspect to justice. back to you. >> thank you, kristin live in olney. very quiet, residential area. taking a look at news that happened while you slept, japanese officials say fuel storage pool at a troubled nuclear plant is at or near the boiling point. >> crews have hooked up power cables to all six reactors and
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started a pump at one of them trying to cool the overheating fuel rods. however, it could take weeks to get all of the cooling systems working again. more than 9,000 people were killed and nearly 13,000 still listed missing after the march 11 earthquake and tsunami. >> a late night food run ended in fire for the owner of this car. it happened at a popeye's in the 4500 block of bening road in southeast. the fire ended up spreading to the overhang of the building but thankfully, no one was hurt. the cause of the fire is unknown. afghan president hamid karzai says his forces will soon be taking charge. of security in seven areas around his nation. it is the first step toward his goal of having afghan police and sowrlds protecting the -- soldiers protecting the entire country by the end of 2014. nato-led forces are expected to relinquish power of the first seven areas to nato authorities as soon as july. hundreds took to the streets in el salvador waiting for a visit from president barack obama. some though are calling for the
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president to improve the united states immigration system. during his visit to chili, the president said he's willing to help chile solve human rights crimes committed during the dictatorship of pinot pinochet. >> yesterday, pawlenty announced an exploratory committee. it was the first announcement from a potential 2012 candidate. nancy pelosi continues her scheduled trip through italy after spending some time in a hospital in rome. italy's leading news agency reports the 70-year-old democratic lawmaker wasn't feeling well and had some tests done. pelosi was later released and able to attend a dinner last night at the american ambassador's residence. the former house speaker is in italy with the congressional delegation. time for another your money report this morning. >> jessica doyle is here with today's headlines. good morning.
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>> good morning. lots of enthusiasm with the at&t/t-mobile deal which has stocks heading higher. dow is at 12, 036. it added 178 points in trading. nasdaq up by 48. the s&p 500 jumped by 19 points. international companies are starting to give investors some insight into the impact of japan's problems. some examples, tiffany has cut its first quarter earnings forecast as it deals with some store closings and limited hours in japan. of all of tiffany stores worldwide, almost a quarter of them are in japan. and honda is extending its suspension of car and motorcycle production until sun amid a parts shortage. toyota is hoping to get things rolling on saturday. obviously dealing with power problems in addition to all of the other problems in japan. >> you've talked about the global domino effect how a
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parts plant in louisiana is being closed because of this and others are affected as well. >> absolutely. >> what do you have for us in the next half hour? >> we're starting to sound like a broken record. airfares going up again. we'll talk about which airlines are doing it and whether or not it is going to stick. >> and wondering what their excuse is this time. >> thanks, jess. >> thank you, jessica. >> i fly regularly. >> 9news now is giving. >> chance to win an ipad 2. >> go to our facebook page. hit the like button and enter our great tablet give away. refer your friends for a better chance of winning. if you're already a fan of 9news now, click the sweepstakes link on the left side of the page to enter. we'll announce the winner on our morning show friday, april 1st and as they say, no fooling about that. our time right now, 8 after the hour. next when our news continues, flooding down under has thousands seeking higher ground. >> unfortunately, it is a rough situation. more rain is on the way. >> coming up later in sports, find out why the caps are
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benching alexander ovechkin as they prepare to take on the flyers tonight.
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no problems this morning unlike yesterday. partly cloudy skies. temps running in the 50s with some 40s to the north. as you look at today, we'll be around 50. sunshine this morning. will give way to a few more clouds this afternoon. temperatures approaching the low 60s. we've got the rain returning. details coming up in just a few minutes. right now, here's angie with timesaver traffic. >> thank you, howard. all is a go on the george washington parkway. from the beltway past 123, still ahead, more on your virginia roads. that's at 5:18. mike? >> thanks, angie.
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5:10. making news at 5:10, coalition jets are patrolling no-fly zone over libya today. the pentagon says the u.s.-led attack in libya has been successful in seeking out the key radar and missile sites and breaking up moammar gadhafi's forces. the united states plans to eventually relinquish control of the mission to its european allies. >> sidney, australia, flooding sent people to higher ground. they're being blamed for one death. a man's body was pulled from a storm drain. rescue workers pulled other people from the rising waters including dozens of students and staff from a preschool. coming up when we return, like cherry blossoms, d.c. pothole palooza is a sure sign of spring. >> coming up next, we'll let you know how you can let local officials know where the suspension killing holes are! year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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my "me time" is when i thougor maybe 8? on level 2. my "me time" is when there's a 10% chance of rain! [ cellphone rings ] my "me time" is when he doesn't get the hint. ♪ my "me time"... [ bang ] is when everybody's takin' shots at me. [ male announcer ] discover you time anytime. mccafé your day with a mcdonald's frappé. smooth and icy caramel or mocha blended just for you and topped with a decadent drizzle. "me time"! [ male announcer ] the simple joy of a frappé. ♪ [ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents? but i've got a warm, fresh baked strawberry toaster strudel. see the difference? mmmm. i do.
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(announcer) pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. . good morning and welcome back to 9news now. on this tuesday morning. a fine day ahead says howard bernstein. >> yeah, this may be one of the better days we have this week for the rest of the week. things are going to go slowly downhill. allergy counts, i know andrea, you pay attention to this with me. the tree pollen was moderate as are mold spores.
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>> i did not realize you were a sufferer as well. >> thanks for welcoming me in. >> suffer with the rest of us! weatherwise, your bus stop forecast, i will include you from now on. i promise you. >> we're talking about sunshine this morning. with just a couple of clouds there. cool side. especially north and east with temperatures in the 40s. south and southwest, we still have mid to upper 50s. we're not going to see too much more of a drop-off. sun is up at 7:09. sets at about 7:20 this evening. our day planner, upper 40s to around 50. mid-50s for lunch time with a mix of clouds and sunshine. i think probably more clouds later on this afternoon than midday. 60 degrees though for a high. maybe even the low 60s where we're going. a decent day ahead. the rain returns tonight though. and some of the rain is going to be with us at times on wednesday as well as temperatures today will be in the low 60s, tomorrow the low 50s, the weekend looking wet and chilly and potentially
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north and west if it is cold enough, we could have a little bit of a wintry mix by sunday morning. doppler radar this morning, you can see the echoes coming out of ohio into west virginia over toward elkins. this is tracking off to our south and west. this may head over toward charlottesville or richmond this morning. if your travels are taking you down that way, keep that in mind. where that front is, the boundary, remember the line of showers right along a front. 60s with the front. but north, 40s, 50s, even 30s in spots where the air has really cleared out like in york, pennsylvania down to 34. 37 in oakland. almost 30 degrees warmer in petersburg, west virginia at 66 right now. it is 51 for martinsburg. 61, 10 degrees warmer in culpepper. 52 in andrews. we've got 53. gaithersburg, they were 48 in deer park and montgomery county. the winds are now east- northeast at 7. we're north of the boundary. that's why we're going to be cooler today than yesterday.
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did manage to get to 70 at reagan national. storm system out in the western u.s. this will bring unsettled and wintry weather back to the plains. rain in southern minnesota but northern minnesota, the northern tier states, watch the cold air. we'll watch this boundary because especially to our north, this is where we're going to have problems with snow over the next couple of days. for us, it is going to be a fine tuesday. sunshine mixed with clouds at times, perhaps a few more clouds this afternoon. watch the rain tonight as it moves into north central pennsylvania and southern areas of new york state. at midnight, we've got rain here. here comes snow developing up toward scranton. we see rain showers at times. tomorrow, even some breaks midday. but more rain and showers late wednesday and wednesday night into thursday morning. with the snow continuing well up to the north and northern pennsylvania, north of i-80. 62 today. mix of clouds and sun. rain returns tonight. periods of rain tomorrow. low 50s. thursday, a few showers in the morning. mostly cloudy and 50. friday looks better.
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sunny and 50. over the weekend, see if we can hold the rain off until after the marathon on saturday but it is going to be chilly nonetheless with temps only in the mid-40s for highs. sunday morning could feature a wintry mix in spots before a chilly monday. sunny. highs well below average in the upper 40s. >> so hard to believe. >> hello, everyone. 18 minutes after the 5:00 hour right now. still, so far, so good out there. let's take a wide view of the area. move it on into virginia's 95 headed northbound. we're at speed outside here is your live shot past the prince william parkway doing just fine toward the springfield interchange. back to the maps, we'll stay in virginia. shift over to 66 tracking the green cars. we're watching volume build around manassas. you're clear past this point at centreville. hey, maryland, what's going on on the outer loop? not much. you're moving at speed. 95 itself, not so bad down to the beltway. speaking of the inner loop from route 4 to the wilson bridge, about a 10 minute drive. still ahead, a look at the bw
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parkway at 5:25. andrea and mike, back to you. angie, this will affect your drive. the district is waging war against potholes. >> yep. day two of the district's potholes palooza project. month-long project is part of the city's rapid response program to fix potholes on d.c. streets. a d.c. department of transportation spokesman says d.c.'s goal, vdot's goal is to repair potholes, when they find out about them, within 24 hours. >> crews repaired more than 7500 potholes. to report one in the district, call the mayor's call center at 311 or e-mail pothole palooza, one word at d.c. gov. 9news now wants to take you out to the ball game! you can win a pair of tickets to the national's opening day. it is spring. watch 9news now between 4:25 and 7:00 a.m. for the daily nationals trivia question. daily winners will receive a 9news now prize pack. >> then those winners will be
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entered into a drawing for the grand prize. it is a pair of diamond club tickets. opening day. with members of the 9news now morning team. that drawing is next tuesday, the 29th. opening day, of course, is thursday, march 31st. so, here is the first question for your chance to win the tickets. who was the nationals opening day starter for the very first game in washington back in 2005? >> here is a hint. the team won the game 5-3. >> so, submit your answers at look for the green box on the right side of the home page which says take me out to the ball game. we'll pick a correct answer each day for the next five days then one of those winners, one of those five winners will win the diamond club seats and get to spend the day with us. get all of the rules at our time is 5:20. sports is next when the news continues. the nationals are warming up for their home opener. see how they did against the cardinals. >> we'll be right back.
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5:23. we've got clear to partly cloudy skies out there. chilly up north. we've got 40. south and southwest, 50s, even some lower 60s. some showers well west and southwest of us. as we go through the 9:00 hour, upper 40s to lower 50s will do it for us. midday, we're looking at a
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passing cloud or two. mid-50s. upper 50s south. as we go into the afternoon, highs will be in the low 60s with a few more clouds as we go throughout the day. >> announcer: and now, 9 sports, the best sports in town. >> good morning, everybody! if there is a headline in this whole alex ovechkin injury thing, it is not that he's hurt. it is given how physically he plays, that he's never really been seriously hurt before. in six seasons, the capitals star has missed just 14 games total. but that number is about to increase. the great eight will sit out the next seven to ten days with an undisclosed injury that starts with the philly game tonight as he hopes to get completely healthy in time for the playoffs. ovechkin has 29 goals this year on pace for the lowest total of his career. but he has been warming up lately and the caps want him on full boil come the post-season. >> he wants to feel better. he doesn't like waking up every morning and feeling like he's
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got to go through an hour of just doing stuff to get ready to practice or to play. he wants to feel healthy. >> speaking of injuries, the nationals number one draft pick reist harper went down in a heap in vieira spraining his left ankle. he was unable to walk. taken off the field in a golf cart. harper is day to day. the major leaguers in jupiter yesterday to meet the cardinals and the nats put a pretty good hurting on chris carpenter. four runs in the fourth inning including this ground rule double from adam laroche. nats win. no cameras were present. that's a quick look at sports this morning. i'm brett haber. have a great tuesday, everybody. >> time for the question of the morning. >> most women say this is a turnoff when it comes to a man's appearance. >> so, what do you think it is? a, gray hair. b, a beard. or c, dirty shoes. >> here is a look at one response you left on our facebook page. karen wrote among the options,
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i think c is the worst. tell us your answer on our facebook page and we'll share more of your thoughts in the next half hour. >> when our news continues, montgomery county police are trying to solve a brazen drive- by shooting in olney. >> this is the town's second homicide in less than a week. what could be going on there. we have a live report coming up right after the break. first, check of the traffic. angie, over to you. >> thanks, mike. right now on the bw parkway, no incidents or construction to watch out for. district roads, that's up next. when 9news now returns along with your weather. stay with us. we're back at 5:30. [ male announcer ] from maryland to the mall and beyond,
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it's easy to spot a capital one bank. ♪ ♪ ♪ the most branches and atms in the dc area. one near you. what's in your wallet? and this is the warm fresh baked taste... of a strawberry toaster strudel. see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. than listening there'to our favorite songs. there's nothing we love more than listening to our favorite songs. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls.
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♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh
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. >> hello and welcome back to 9news now. i'm andrea roane. >> i'm mike hydeck. thanks for joining us this tuesday morning. miss angie will have traffic in just a moment. first, we do weather with howard. >> the problem is after today, especially tomorrow is going to be wet. thursday will be wet again.
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the weekend is looking unsettled and chilly. today, we have your day planner. any intentions of taking a nice walk or doing a jog or just having lunch outside. you might need a light jacket with temperatures midday in the 50s. sun will be out with a few clouds. then this afternoon, a few more clouds with high temps into the low 60s around here. some spots may hold in the upper 50s north and east. we've got 53 degrees. we'll have some showers. last night had some isolated ones south of town. this morning, we're all west and southwest of washington. they're going to stay there. expecting a dry day today. it is chilly. especially in pennsylvania down in the 30s here in york. hagerstown in the 40s along with gaithersburg. still 61 in culpepper and 50s in the shenandoah valley and even down in southern maryland, we're down to 53 degrees. looking for high temperatures today holding in the 50s along the bay. water is chilly. we'll see lower 60s around here. the farther west you go, the warmer it will be. temperatures from manassas out
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toward culpepper in the mid to upper 60s. >> green light stays on. not too shabby across maryland, virginia and d.c. let's take a look for ourselves and focus on in toward the district. we're tracking the drives. take little camera tour outside. show you northwest where we begin. these are your live conditions at the freeway where it meets 27th street. still very nice and quiet obviously. also finding our lanes wide open out in northeast. this is rhode island avenue at 18th street. if you're coming in from the south side, hello southeast d.c. m street and south capital. everything here is all clear. keeping an eye on the rails. happy to report all lines are running on time. still ahead a look at 50 in maryland. mike, andre, that's at 5:40. our time is 5:31. coalition jets continue to patrol the no-fly zone over libya this morning. >> the pentagon is saying the u.s.-led attack has been successful thus far. we've also learned that al-
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qaeda's north african branch is urging libyan rebels not to trust the united states. the terrorist group has pushed for the overthrow of moammar gadhafi's government. >> the man suspected in at least 17 rapes along the east coast is due in a connecticut courtroom today. aaron thomas is expected to be arraigned for alleged rape back in 2007. thomas was arrested in new haven earlier this month. authorities say dna tests confirm thomas is the so-called east coast rapist. he's only charged so far with four rapes, one in connecticut and three here in virginia. >> montgomery county police continue to investigate a deadly drive-by shooting in olney. this is the second deadly incident in this quiet town in less than a week. and neighbors are in disbelief at this point about this. kristin fisher joins us live now from olney. she has more on this latest case. kristin, good morning. >> that's right, good morning. 41-year-old punyasara gedara was walking down this street on his way home from work when he was gunned down in a drive-by
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shooting. now, neighbors report hearing up to four shots fired before finding him lying in the street completely unresponsive. he was later pronounced dead at a local hospital. now, montgomery county police do not have a motive for the shooting. nor do they have a description of the suspect. but they do have a description of the get away car thanks to some surveillance footage from a nearby business. it is described as an older model beige toyota camry. it was last seen on north high street traveling toward georgia avenue. the victim, gedara, moved to olney just six months ago from sri lanka. neighbors, relatives and police say they have no idea why anyone would want to kill him. >> i know it happens and it is reality but when you hear it in your own backyard, it is kind of hard to accept. >> now, it really has olney residents rattled is the fact that this could be the second homicide here in olney in less than a week. last friday, an 81-year-old man was found dead in his home in olney. for now, police are not calling
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it a homicide. they're only calling it a suspicious death. they think that foul play may be involved. but at this point in time, they're not willing to speculate as to whether or not these two crimes are connected. mike? >> thank you, kristin live in olney this morning. >> parents of a 10-year-old accused of bringing crack cocaine to school told the judge they have no idea how those drugs got in their car. they asked the judge since then to pull their son out of emergency foster care and return the boy to them. the judge met them halfway placing the boy with an aunt instead. prosecutors say the child brought cocaine to d.c.'s thompson elementary school and shared some of it with his classmates. they went to the hospital, all of the young people are fine now. prosecutors say the boy found the drug in his stepfather's car as they were on their way to school. police searched the car and the home of the stepfather but turned up nothing. the parents are not been charged with any crime. for the first time in nearly 30 years, a man wrongly imprisoned for rape will be waking up to a home-cooked
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breakfast. thomas haynesworth is home after serving 27 years in prison for a rape that dna evidence now proves he did not commit. the 45-year-old richmond man was convicted of two rapes and an abduction in 1984. virginia governor bob mcdonnell granted him parole last friday. now, this is video of him walking into his mother's home yesterday afternoon when haynesworth embraced his mother, he said this is my best birthday. at 5:35, time for another your money report. >> jessica is here with more price hikes for the airline business. surprise, surprise. >> we're doing it again. we're talking about price hikes. we're starting to sound like a broken record. major airlines yet again raising prices for airline tickets. this time, we're talking united and continental airlines. they're hiking fares on many u.s. routes by $10 round trip. the u.s. airlines have raised fares at least a half-dozen times already this year. they're trying to offset rising jet fuel costs.
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the last attempt failed when other airlines decided not to follow american airlines when it raised prices earlier this month. north north group grumman won a contract. it will offer a classified networks for the department of homeland security. the networks allow more than 15,000 users in federal agencies and local law enforcement to share classified information including data, voice and video services. and this is the first of its kind settlement. national jewelry manufacturer tween brands has agreed to eliminate the toxic metal cadmium from the bracelets, necklaces and other items it sells. concerns about high levels of cadmium in jewelry surfaced over the past year because, of course, cadmium can be a lot like lead in a lot of the products. it is realizing it is in so many things that our kids are using. >> i have inspected every toy. it is hard to find out when you have the toy at your house. >> thanks, jess. thank you. >> well, 9news now wants to take you out to the ball game!
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you can win a pair of tickets to the nationals opening day. just watch 9news now between 4:25 and 7:00 a.m. for the daily nationals trivia question. daily winners will receive a 9news now prize pass. >> those winners will be entered into a drawing for the grand prize. a pair of diamond club tickets. food and a whole bunch of other things included in that. join the members of the 9news now morning team. we'll have a great day on opening day. the drawing is next tuesday, the 29th and opening day, of course, is thursday, march 31st. so, here is the first question for your shot at winning the tickets. who was the nationals opening day starter, the guy on the mound for the first game when washington opened its season in 2005. >> and here is another hint for you, this guy threw eight shutout innings before giving up a home run in the ninth. to submit your answer, go to look for the green box on the right side of the home page which says take me out to the ball game! we'll pick our correct answer each day for the next five days. one of those five winners will
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win the diamond club seats! get all of the rules and submit your answer at our time right now is 5:38. still to come when the news continues, doctors are calling it a major milestone in transplant surgery. >> they've given a severely burned man a full face transplant. this is something you have to see to believe. >> before we go to break, did you know that today is world water day? conservationists picture this day to raise awareness about the quality of water around the world. >> it first started in 1929 at the united nations conferences -- in 1992 at the united nations conference. something to think about when you're filling up the bottled water at the cooler today. [ alarm blares ]
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[ female announcer ] important events can sneak up on you. oh, i am not ready. [ female announcer ] but in two weeks, you could feel ready. introducing yoplait light's two week tune up diet plan. you could lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks when you replace breakfast and lunch with a fruit, grain, and yoplait light. betsy bets. you haven't changed a bit. oh...neither have you... sean. well, yeah. [ female announcer ] go to to start your two week tune up. this week yoplait light yogurt is only 20 for $10 at giant.
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welcome back. a very comfortable morning out here on the weather terrace. temperatures in the low to mid- 50s right now.
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light winds, even this jacket may be more than enough than you need at the moment. it is going to be a decent day. look at the day planner. we'll have sunshine this morning. a few more clouds this afternoon. winds will be out of the north generally at about 5 to 10 miles per hour. high temperatures approaching the low 60s to mid-60s west. rain returns tonight. we'll see about that on the rest of the seven-day forecast when i see you next. right now, here's angie goff. >> looking forward to it, howard, thank you. 50 headed westbound to the bay bridge through beltway, overall, doing ok. a little volume picking up into d.c. more maryland roads, we're going to have that for you still ahead at 5:49. over to andrea and mike. >> this is being called a milestone in transplant surgery. a boston hospital has performed the nation's full transplant of the face. >> it took a team of more than 30 doctors, nurses and other staff at brigham and women's hospital more than 15 hours to complete the operation last week. >> 25-year-old patient dallas weens suffered severe burns to
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his face. he had his entire facial area replaced. nose, lips, facial skin, muscles and nerves. he was severely disfigured in a power line accident back in 2008. >> still to come, we're getting ready for saturday's suntrust national marathon. >> and so is this demanding coach. she's training hundreds of local runners. we'll introduce you to her and her techniques right after the break. >> here is a look at who's celebrating a birthday today. he's the original star trek captain actor william shatner is 80. also wolf blitzer is celebrating 63 years of age. >> lena is 56. a more recent oscar winner, actress reese witherspoon turns 5 today. if it is your birthday, happy birthday. we'll be right back.
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welcome back to 9news now.
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5:45. weesh is here with our weather first. but you were saying you were just reading about another aftershock? >> 6.6 off the coast of japan here recently. and ground is going to be shaking for a little while longer unfortunately for them as things are still very unsettled. that story will not go away. we have to make do and help them how we can. we have a decent day weatherwise. things will go downhill tonight and tomorrow. rain moves in. colder weather as well. and this weekend, looks rather chilly. we've got the national marathon saturday morning that we'll be a part of broadcasting here on wusa9. we hope you'll join us either on the streets or on tv. today, your bus stop forecast, i was down in the weather terrace, in my moderate winter coat and it was almost too much. low to mid-50s. some 40s to our north. call it partly sunny and cool. sunrise at 7:09.
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sunshine for the first part of the day, i think we'll see a few more clouds as we go throughout the afternoon with 60. low 60s for highs. winds generally out of the north at about 10 miles per hour. remember the front that came through yesterday with the showers and storms. had some in the morning and another batch in the evening. this morning, it is out here. well out to our west and southwest in west virginia and ohio. some of these showers from charlottesville to -- even south of richmond will be a possibility but for us, we'll stay dry and cooler. 60s in charlottesville. we're in the 50s. look at the 40s, even 30s north of that frontal boundary. the cooler air will ooze in here. we're starting off relatively mild with 50s and some 40s. it won't take much to get to around 60 today. 53 right now with cloudy skies and an east-northeast wind. the barometer at 29.90. that will start to slowly inch up. not going to last very long because we've got a storminess out in the western u.s. you can see the lift here. the warm air over the colder air. rain developing, minnesota and
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wisconsin coming down south and east riding that front through ohio. and west virginia. for us, we're going to watch the showers off to our south and west. they'll fall apart here midday as the front settles well to our south here. a northerly wind. a mix of sun and clouds with a few more clouds as the afternoon goes on. here is the rain from detroit over to cleveland. it moves into pennsylvania and maryland tonight by midnight. much of the area seeing light to moderate rain showers here. we'll go overnight toward tomorrow morning. you'll notice northern sections with the rain, southern sections with the clouds. yes, the blue is snow up in pennsylvania and southern new york. that will be the case on wednesday. for us, breaks midday. but look wednesday afternoon and evening. as more rain approaches from west virginia and pennsylvania with more snow, new york and new england. we'll go through wednesday night into thursday morning. still some showers around thursday morning with this next area of low pressure and then things are going to stay kind of chilly for the remainder of the week. today, low 60s.
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few more clouds later on. rain on and off on wednesday. cool on thursday with some morning showers. friday, dry. but the weekend chilly and unsettled. maybe a little bit of mix sunday morning north and west. angie? >> interesting. good morning, washington. thank you for waking up with us so early. right now, grown light. that means go and really, the only thing that sticks out when we look at our maps is up here on the outer loop. we want to take you outside and show you what's going on. we have this disabled vehicle here at 29 colesville road taking away the right center lane. as a result, we're seeing the drivers, the taillights back up starting around the new hampshire avenue exit. once you get past this point, you're doing ok. let's move it back to the maps and shift our focus over to 270. a lot of yellow out of urbana. down to 121. a good example right in the middle. this is 109. you can see the taillights stack up. over to our travel times we go. virginia, 66 headed eastbound still in the green. 10 minutes from the fairfax county parkway. the inner loop is doing ok from
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395 to toll road. no incidents or accidents on 267. now, over to andrea. >> thank you, angie. making news now, at 5:50, the arizona man charged with killing six people and wounding congresswoman gabrielle giffords will undergo a mental evaluation. a judge ordered loughner to be examined as soon as possible. giffords has been hospitalized ever since that shooting in january. she's now being treated at a texas he had rehabilitation facility. engineers in japan are working around the clock trying to restore electricity to the crippled if you fukushima power plant. crews have hooked up power cables to all six reactors and they started a pump at one of them trying to cool down the overheating fuel rods. however, they say it could take weeks to get all of the cooling systems working again. >> investigators will return to the scene of this burned out nursing home in houston later this morning. several ambulances were sent to the scene to help evacuate elderly residents.
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fire officials are trying to figure out what sparked the blaze. even the world's most successful athletes need a coach. tiger woods had one. so did michael jordan, even muhammad ali. marathon runners need a coach, too. >> they sure do. janine is good at coaching. in fact, 200 local runners are training with her for this saturday's suntrust national marathon. >> ladies, looking good! >> she's part drill sergeant, cheerleader, yoda, observe by one and miracle worker all rolled into a 5'2", 100 pound package. >> i am the annoying voice at 6:30 in the morning. i'm enthusiastic in a way that excites people even when it is annoying as herks, ll. i either make you annoyed to run away from me or do something you never thought you
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would. >> megan mccarthy hadn't run a mile before she met denise months ago. >> it was hard to get through. it was hard to breathe. it felt like you were going to die. >> baby steps. you go from a mile then go to two miles. and four. you just build and build and build until you get to 26.2. >> a marathon may be a solo sport but she knows partners keep you focused. >> six minutes flat. >> when you show up at 8:30 in the morning to run 20 miles, she's bouncing off the walls and it is just infectious. >> really motivating to be out there with a group of other people early on a sunday morning. without that, there is no way i would have the willpower to get up when it is freezing cold outside. >> she's run a lot of marathons. she's competed in several ironman competitions. she's been there. she's able to give you the insight into why this is tough but how to keep going. >> my biggest success is the family i've created. i started with four runners and now we have 200 runners.
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we're all connected. >> all right, guys. good luck to them. our live coverage, make sure you join us saturday's marathon begins at 7:00 in the morning. andrea and i are hosting the coverage there. on friday, make sure you join us at the health and fitness expo taking place at the d.c. armory. you can find great deals on health and fitness gear and get some pointers on get shoug shape. it will be a great time. >> before we head to break, it is time for the question of the morning. most women say this is a turnoff when it comes to a man's appearance. >> what do you think it is? >> here is a look at some of the responses you left on our facebook page. she wrote c and it depends if b is neat and tidy. i say c because dirty shoes makes anyone look hoboish. >> i think grandma -- always said dirty shoes, dirty butt. the correct answer is b. most
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women who responded to the survey say a beard was the biggest turnoff. >> now we get that commercial, don't we. >> for me, it is dirty fingernails. >> well, thanks for participating. we'll have another great question for you tomorrow. this morning on oh my goff find out why -- >> harry potter movie star is getting a big pat on the back for his work with troubled teenagers. we'll be right back. we're looking at 95 headed northbound -- southbound, i should say. from 32 past powder mill to the beltway. it is looking nice and green and clean. we're kicking off the 6:00 hour with your virginia roads and your weather report with howard bernstein. keep it here! [ bob ] i'd love to build bird houses for the rest of my life.
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so i've got to take care of my heart. for me cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, take care of your heart with cheerios. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. love your heart so you can do what you love. that's ever happened to cinnamon. introducing cinnamon burst cheerios. 20% daily value of fiber bursting with the delicious taste of cinnamon. new cinnamon burst cheerios. prepare your taste buds.
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it is going to be a good tuesday across the region. sunshine, a few clouds. comfortable temperatures. this morning, we're in the 40s and 50s. we can handle that. as we head toward 9:00, sunshine. you see a couple of clouds south and west. temps running upper 40s to mid- 50s. mid 50s in town. we've got a 61 in culpepper. lower 50s across the bay into northern maryland. a few more clouds, high temperatures will make it into the upper 50s and low 60s.
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even a few mid 60s well west of washington. angie? >> thank you, howard. >> oh my goff. here is a look at what's buzzing in entertainment. daniel radcliffe looks forward to a tolerant world where young people grow up unaffected by differences in sexual orientation. for the past couple of years, the harry potter star has been doing his part to make that reality with his work with the trevor project. the leading organization for suicide prevention efforts amongst gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender views. for his contribution, radcliffe is being honored with the organization's hero award at a ceremony in new york in june. the great artist pablo picasso once said i paint objects as i think them, not as i see them. unleashing all that's inside is an idea behind a series of painting parties in the district. we're going to have that story coming up for you in a minute. ready, set, go. 3,000 strong responded to that command in the heart of washington. runners took to pennsylvania
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avenue for the sixth annual scope it out 5k. the race helped draw attention during national colon cancer awareness month. more than $200,000 was raised for the crystal light colon cancer foundation center. as we mentioned, the great artist pablo picasso i paint objects as i think them, not as i see them unleashing all that's inside is an idea behind painting parties in the district. professional or not, anyone can get creative at art jams. the colorful crowd made a splash at the lamont bishop gallery in d.c.'s very creative shaw corridor. >> the painting is alledair -- is called aries. this artist was inspired by japan. and we're going to actually have more information on my block oh my goff and that's located on our morning show page. you can find out where the next painting party is by going to their facebook


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